Janine has extensive experience treating Highly Sensitive People (HSPs), providing support
to help them better understand and manage their unique temperament.
She treats the following individuals:
HSP parents
Parents of HSP children
HSP entrepreneurs and creatives
HSPs in recovery from alcoholism and addiction
HSPs with loved ones suffering from alcoholism and addiction
Janine is passionately committed to raising awareness about the extraordinary value inherent
in sensitivity. She is dedicated to equipping Highly Sensitive People with the necessary tools
to increase their self-awareness, empowerment to get their needs met and the ability to
create a beautiful life. Everyone deserves to be empowered and thrive!
Janine Nicoll, LMFT ~ Lic. #110645 ~ 949.943.2732
to help them better understand and manage their unique temperament.
She treats the following individuals:
HSP parents
Parents of HSP children
HSP entrepreneurs and creatives
HSPs in recovery from alcoholism and addiction
HSPs with loved ones suffering from alcoholism and addiction
Janine is passionately committed to raising awareness about the extraordinary value inherent
in sensitivity. She is dedicated to equipping Highly Sensitive People with the necessary tools
to increase their self-awareness, empowerment to get their needs met and the ability to
create a beautiful life. Everyone deserves to be empowered and thrive!
Janine Nicoll, LMFT ~ Lic. #110645 ~ 949.943.2732